Essence Odyssey系列後空內褲 - 白色


Category: 男士內褲

HK$ 159

香港及澳門 - 購滿HK$500免運費
台灣 - 購滿HK$800免運費

全球 - 各地HK$1,000免運費

凡購買精選內衣 (正價/折扣產品), 3件+ 再85折

本月推廣 - 7折試用

Play & Joy 隱形膠囊矽性潤滑液 (基本型) 10入

現於門市或網店購買任何產品,即可以試用價7折優惠加購<Play & Joy 隱形膠囊矽性潤滑液>


Essence Collection, where design knows no bounds and creativity takes the spotlight. Here, we discard the essentials and embrace funky ideas that defy convention. Priority is given to unleashing the full force of imagination. Silhouettes remain basic, but that's where the fun begins — we infuse each design with a unique role and character.

The fabric choices are limitless, allowing us to explore uncharted territories. Colors run wild, creating a vibrant kaleidoscope that's like a puzzle waiting to be solved.

Join us on this exhilarating journey where rules are meant to be broken, and the unexpected becomes the norm. The Essence Collection is where fashion meets adventure, and every piece tells a bold and vibrant story.

Get ready to unleash your inner wild and embrace the joy of fearless self - expression.


精選內衣: 3件+ 再額外85折
HK$ 159
精選內衣: 3件+ 再額外85折
HK$ 159
精選內衣: 3件+ 再額外85折
HK$ 159
精選內衣: 3件+ 再額外85折
HK$ 159

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